Happy Bike To Work Day!

Hello friends!

For the last two years now, I've been celebrating National Bike to Work Day! Really, almost every day can be bike to work day for me, as I'm only 1.5 miles away from the office. But all the same, today is the day where everyone is encouraged to trade in four wheels for two.

I actually feel like I did a better job of celebrating yesterday, which wound up being a 21 mile day. I've actually loaned my car to a friend, and so I'm going with pedal power for probably the rest of the week or so. At first, I was a bit freaked out by this. You can claim with everything you have that you are a bike commuter, but the rubber actually has to hit the road when you have no other choice. As was the case yesterday, as I had a meeting 5 miles and two HUGE hills away, and no other mode of transportation to utilize.

But it should be mentioned, there is no better feeling than sitting at the summit of that hill that's been buggin the heck out of you, the one that you have feared for an unhealthy amount of time, and you realize you have just conquered it. That feeling is something a person could get addicted to!

Then the day was capped off with a 5ish mile ride home in the darkness with Ian. Night riding was another of those things that really scared me when I first started out, but now I'm absolutely in love with it. It's so peaceful, so beautiful, and so refreshing. Plus, my new rain jacket flaps in the wind in a way that kind of reminds me of Superman's cape, so there are just perks everywhere!

Maybe you're like me, and the idea of using a bicycle as your primary mode of transportation seems kind of daunting at first. Today is a great day to get out and get on the bike. Heck, make it super rewarding, and use your bike to go grab an ice cream or a cup of coffee! But take some time today to experience the freedom and the joy that is being on a bike. You'll be glad you did!




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